What Every Dog Should Know

A lot of my time is spent discussing how dogs should behave. Is barking good or bad or both? “How do I stop the bad barking, but still feel safe? After all, that’s why I got a dog in the
Great Expectations

[schema type=”blog” title=”Great Expectations” Written by “Kat Camplin, KPA-CTP” url=”http://rompingdogs.com/training/great-expectations/” dateCreated= October 20, 2013 description=”Television has ruined our expectations. Bad guys get caught in the 46 minutes between commercials, houses get torn down and rebuilt, animals get rescued and make
Is it unfair to train your dog?

[schema type=”blog” title=”Is it unfair to train your dog?” Written by “Kat Camplin, KPA-CTP” url=”http://rompingdogs.com/training/unfair-train-dog/” dateCreated= October 13, 2013 description=”A training client has been berated by a few friends for training her dog. Her friends think “dogs should be dogs,”
What is “basic obedience”?
I received an email over the weekend asking if I teach “Basic Obedience” classes. In recent years, “basic” has come to slant more toward learned skills instead of learned behaviors. Traditionally, “Sit,” “Stay,” “Down” and “Heel,” were taught as first
When is a dog “trained”?

[schema type=”blog_post” title=”When is a dog “trained”?” Written by “Kat Camplin, KPA-CTP” url=”http://rompingdogs.com/training/dog-trained/” dateCreated= September 28, 2013 description=”The real question is, “When is my dog trained?” This question is really about expectations. “At what point can I get angry if